Friday, August 2, 2013

Baby Bump

I've felt like I was showing since the day I saw those two lines but I guess that was just bloat because I definitely popped over the weekend. I was hoping to be able to hide this pregnancy until after the anatomy scan (3 more weeks!) but this growing bump may make that difficult. I've invested in lots of loose, flowy shirts (thank you Loft 50% off sale) which has helped but I think I may need to break down and buy a few maternity tops this weekend. Although I have to admit, I am kind of excited to check out H&M's maternity line.

After our good NT scan I decided I wanted to start doing things that normal people get to enjoy during pregnancies so I had Jon start taking weekly belly pics. Here is the progression of the bump so far (side note, I do own more than 1 tank top, I've just been trying to wear the same thing for each picture so you can see the change from week to week) -

  • 12w on the 4th of July
  • 13w with a new haircut that I didn't really like
  • 14w in the Outer Banks (decided that a tankini was in order this summer due to my growing bump)
  • 15w with some awesome pregnancy acne
  • Since Jon is in London I had to take my 16w picture in the mirror and apparently I'm not coordinated enough to hold the 16w sign and take a picture at the same time
As of my last OB appointment I'd only gained 1.5 lbs, but I lost 1.5 lbs in my first trimester so I was really right back where I started.  I'm curious to see what that number is at my next appointment, especially after the 10 piece chicken nugget meal I had for dinner last night and the Rocklands BBQ I had for dinner tonight...


  1. CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I love you and I couldn't be more excited for you! You look amazing, keep the pics and blog posts coming :)

  2. Oh, apparently I had a blog when I first moved here? This is Annie, haha.
