Friday, December 6, 2013

Hitting a Wall

34w - Do I look as uncomfortable as I feel?  Also, please note the bandage on my thumb.  I had an apple cutting injury on Wednesday and was pretty convinced my thumb was going to fall off.
So far, I had been feeling pretty good in my third trimester.  Dealing with the normal pregnancy symptoms but nothing that was too unbearable.  Then Monday came, and it was like all of a sudden I hit a wall.  This week has been rough.  I hate to complain knowing what it took to even get to this point and how many millions of women would give anything to be in my shoes right now - but I am SO uncomfortable.  **Warning, prepare for some TMI**  Between the swollen hands and feet, carpel tunnel, backache, heartburn, hot flashes, constipation, hemorrhoids, gas and constant trips to the bathroom to pee every 20 minutes I am not sure how I am going to make it another 6ish weeks.  I am down to one pair of shoes (thank god for my TOMS) that still fit me comfortably and even my maternity jeans are becoming too tight.  We are casual at work, but unfortunately not casual enough that yoga pants would be appropriate which is too bad since those are the only kind of pants that seem to fit me these days.

At the beginning of yoga we always go around the room and tell how many weeks we are and what is bothering us that week.  The other night I said I was 34 weeks and all around uncomfortable and the instructor asked if I'd had my breakdown yet.  According to her, everyone has a breakdown somewhere between 31-35 weeks due to all of a sudden feeling like crap and suddenly realizing that in a very short time you are actually going to have a baby.  I told her I'd had several.  I have cried twice at work this week - both times for situations that definitely didn't warrant tears.  On Tuesday I was making copies and the piece of crap copier jammed and yesterday I knocked over a very large, very full cup of water which then spilled all over my desk.  Both times I had a major meltdown, although luckily both times some really kind coworkers came to my rescue otherwise I really would have lost it.  

If I could just lay on the couch all day, in my yoga pants and a t-shirt, with my feet up and easy access to lots of snacks and a bathroom I would be fine but unfortunately work gets in the way of that fantasy.


We had another NST and AFI on Wednesday and everything was still looking good.  I had a regular OB appointment today and the doctor said she doesn't think it's necessary to continue the weekly appointments with the MFM since everything has been normal (what a great word to hear!) with this pregnancy so we are going to discontinue those, although I will go back in to the MFM at 36 weeks for a regular growth scan.  I only gained 1 pound since my last appointment which was pretty exciting to me since I had previously been gaining like 5 pounds every 2 weeks and am currently feeling ginormous.  So things are moving along right on track.

Looking forward to my Richmond shower this weekend!

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