-Removed the old, nasty shelving from the closet in the nursery and primed and painted the inside of the closet. Also spackled and sanded the hundreds of nail holes that were all over the walls. A huge thank you to Tim on this one for helping Jon find his inner handyman.
-Purchased closet doors which will be installed this weekend.
-Ordered all the nursery furniture. Yesterday the dresser/changing table was delivered and it looks great.
-I did some pediatrician research and based off of recommendations from our OB, family friends and the DC Urban Mom message boards we currently have consults scheduled with 5 different practices. I know 5 is probably a little excessive but you know me, and that's how I roll.
-Completed the registries, although I'm still adding stuff here and there.
And just because I love a good list, here is the list of what we still have left to do:
-Install the closet organization system in the nursery closet. I am really excited about this one because just like I love a good list, I also really enjoy a nicely organized closet.
-Make a trip to Blinds to Go to look at our options for some sort of cordless blinds/shades.
-Purchase crown molding and have it installed in the nursery.
-Take down the curtain rods that are currently hung in the room and spackle and sand the nail holes. Then, either re-hang those rods at a higher height, or hang some new rods in preparation for the curtains that have already been ordered.
-Purchase a drum shade and figure out how to add it to the ceiling fan (like this).
-Order a rug, which I already have picked out but has been out of stock for the past month.
-Order breast pump through my insurance company. I think I can do that starting at 26 weeks so I will have to wait until next week for that one.
-Possibly schedule a 3D ultrasound. This is not something I was originally planning on doing but then my OB told me my next ultrasound wouldn't be until 36w and I decided that was way to long to wait to see the baby again.
-We're going to look at cars this weekend! My little two-door Accord has served me well but it's just not going to cut it as a family car. I have a hard enough time getting Bizzy strapped into his harness in the back seat so I know a car seat would be way more difficult.
-Order breast pump through my insurance company. I think I can do that starting at 26 weeks so I will have to wait until next week for that one.
-Possibly schedule a 3D ultrasound. This is not something I was originally planning on doing but then my OB told me my next ultrasound wouldn't be until 36w and I decided that was way to long to wait to see the baby again.
-We're going to look at cars this weekend! My little two-door Accord has served me well but it's just not going to cut it as a family car. I have a hard enough time getting Bizzy strapped into his harness in the back seat so I know a car seat would be way more difficult.
-Get my TDAP vaccination and have Jon check to make sure he has had his.
I think once the room gets painted and we can start moving things in and decorating the walls I will feel a little bit better about where we are in the process. Also, having a daycare solution would really be a HUGE weight off my shoulders but I don't anticipate that happening anytime soon.
On a serious note, October is National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month. You can find more info at www.October15th.com. October 15th, in particular is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day. On that day, everyone is invited to light a candle at 7pm in all time zones, all over the world and keep it burning for at least one hour in order to create a continuous wave of light over the entire world.
I think once the room gets painted and we can start moving things in and decorating the walls I will feel a little bit better about where we are in the process. Also, having a daycare solution would really be a HUGE weight off my shoulders but I don't anticipate that happening anytime soon.
On a serious note, October is National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month. You can find more info at www.October15th.com. October 15th, in particular is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day. On that day, everyone is invited to light a candle at 7pm in all time zones, all over the world and keep it burning for at least one hour in order to create a continuous wave of light over the entire world.
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