28w - Looking a little rough after a long, stressful day at work |
It's been a busy week at work tying up lots of loose ends for a conference that I fly to San Francisco for tomorrow. This will be my last work trip for a while and my last conference for the year. After this things will slow down at work significantly which means I will have a lot more time to focus on crossing items off my Baby To Do list and I won't have the added stress of planning a conference on top of the stress of planning for the baby.
I've been dealing with pretty bad back pain (which should make this five hour flight to San Fran a ton of fun) for the last two weeks or so. Acuouncture seems to help a little bit and I had a half-hour massage after my acupuncture treatment yesterday that also helped provide some relief. After my trip I will probably make a visit to my chiropractor or try physical therapy and see if either of those help. It's incredibly uncomfortable, but I really hate to complain because I know back pain is a small price to pay for a healthy baby.
I can't believe I am now in my third trimester. After everything we've been through, I still have a hard time believing sometimes that I've actually made it this far and that in another 12 weeks (or possibly less), Baby Liles will be here. At the beginning of this pregnancy twelve weeks seemed like an eternity but now it feels like no time at all.